DIY Interior Design: Is it a Good Idea?

DIY interior designing is as exciting as the proposition sounds. It is not really a good idea if you don’t have sufficient time to invest in it. A nuanced exercise that interior designing is, it requires due patience and knowhow about the visual and functional trends of contemporary times. DIY Interior Designing: The Considerations DIY interior designing is great in organized/Standardized environments like US/Middle East etc. However, In India, materials are neither standardized not are markets organized. So, actually achieving satisfying end results isn’t complete without industry pros. That’s why even old DIY players like IKEA have internal teams to handle this gap in India specifically. What is possible as an Indian customer is to organize a list of items you need and the looks you are looking for. This exercise will help you hire the right vendor or team. In case your requirement includes a lot of civil work, or many different items, or coordination of interiors, the...